Sunday, March 16, 2008

Faith Promise in action!

Hi all,
I had a number in my head on what I would pledge. Didn't know how I'd get there, but I thought I'd try.

It turns out that I'm getting a much bigger tax return than I thought I'd get. The difference is close to the number...and its going to the Faith Promise.

For some background, I was laid off for two months this fall and worried about money (who isn't). That was a very tough time for me, and Cindy and others really helped me get through it, and not feel like I was a failure. Ultimately, it worked out and I've got a great job now. But I won't ever forget that when I was feeling really down, I had a place to go and friends that cared. It is just a wonderful plus, that the way taxes work out....I get a bit of a benefit...and can share that with the church. (I'll still save the pennies though!)

Take Care,

Monday, March 10, 2008

Getting closer AND reaching outside

i wonder if we ca accomplish an external project that we are passionate about to help us grow closer. We do a lot of outreact at work, and it helps us get closer. let's think more about this.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Just a thought I have....

Hi all,
So, I've noticed that I tend to say 'keep the change', when it is under 10 cents. Pennies bother me, get in the way (especially when going through airport security). Now, I'm starting a jug for the faith promise....I just dump my change in there...and lets see what happens. Anyone else want to try this?


Sunday, March 2, 2008

This is a little 'out of the box' for us...but

Let's give it a try! I love the idea of the Faith Promise, but admit that I have no idea on what the next big idea will be! I do hope, that it involves more than KSUCC, just writing a check (just a personal preference).

I'd love to hear about projects that KSUCC have done in the past. I attended the dinner, welcoming Ken back for a visit. There I got a glimpse of some great things...I'd love to learn more about them.

For folks that are not comfortable with this venue, can we print the blogs out and post them?

Take Care,

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Faith Promise

The Faith Promise will help us raise funds for an area of focus that will bring us even closer together. Where should we venture toward next?

King Street Church Blog

Welcome to the new King Street Church UCC church blog site!

This site is for posting informal church communications and engaging in discussion related to or of interest to our church community.

To start we will use to generate ideas and discuss for our Faith promise.